That's not good news.........that's GREAT news!
Perhaps it's time to attack the First Steps with a vengence while simultaneously determining the who, what, where, when, and why elements.
Grant Team:
This just in...........thanks Paul.
Regarding earlier post by Jim
Hi Sherry:
Thanks for your prompt response.
As we have discussed I like to identify and develop grant intiatives that "fit" the job (opportunity) at hand.
The PFI grant although noteworthy is not in my opinion a "hand in glove" opportunity for us simply because it is an economic development driven initiative. In other words the transformation of knowledge into innovative products, processes, systems and services that fuel economic development, create wealth and generate improvements in the national standard of living are, given the current national/global landscape, (sundown on industrial manufacturing, jobless recovery, offshoring, etc.) best left to much better minds such as the current president or his successor, big government, corporations, etc.
THIS TASK WILL PROVE TO BE HUGE and not really appropriate and/or immediately relevant, although URGENT, to K-12 and higher education endeavors of the moment, even though we find ourselves and our future workforce (students) immensly impacted by the ever widening GAP between what was and what will be.
It is akin to moving from the turn of the century agrarian economy to the industrial age (40 years for successful transformation). Now comes the harbinger (30 years of technological R&D) of the knowledge/information age challenge fueled by advanced digital technology and telecommunications (mankinds combined knowledge has doubled in the last three years) and our ability to deliver same at the speed of light. Render unto Cesar that which is Ceasar's, comes to mind.
The grant that I do believe is more appropriate to our mutal endeavors is the Interagency Education Research Initiative (IERI) of which you forwarded me. It can be found at;
Typically my due diligence for any innovative/conceptual initiative spans a couple of years from the intitial cognitive curiosity, to inquiry, to basic research, to applied research and finally to solution specific implementations. This effot is no exception.
The synergies of K-12 Science / Mathmatics, multi-disciplinary approach, rigorus research, educational interventions (educational practices, strategies, curricula, or programs), the focus on middle and high schools, diversity, and the prerequisite for technolgoical intregration as a catalyst for documentation/anaylsis and dissemination resonate with me personally.
Additionally, this grant purports as its aim, to identify the conditiions under which effective, evidence-based interventions to improve K-12 student learning and achievement succeed when applied on a larger scale.
Finally, the fact that vast scope and sequence of such an undertaking necessitates a diverse array of combined human resources and/or group of professionals and experts across a wide spectrum of disciplines, which is encouraged, ultimately provides us a rich underlayment for further discovery of the as yet unknown.
We will develop small projects that become components for a larger scaled proposition (which may be achieved within the contexual execution). Thus we may achieve true SYNERGY.
With this grant in mind what obstacles to success due you forsee as you identified previously, besides the impending due date (March 1, 2004) for the letter of intent?
Grant Team:
Welcome to the NSFGRANT2004 blog-site. Please "post" a simple message to let us know you have arrived.
How should we begin our work?
Should we begin with a "loose narrative" and seek facilitating elements, etc.
Develop and identify assets, partners, leverage, outcomes, etc. according to the grant guidlines and then determine the narrative possibilities.
Develop compelling and engaging "target" from grant guidlines to act as a catlyst for assending initiative, opportunities and possibilities.
I ask these questions only to become familiar with "how" you plan your work and work your plan.
Please "post" your thoughts.