I completed the survey from my perspective. Anxious to see the results.
I did review the two pieces sent by Oya. Will be adding my two cents between today and tomorrow. We will have to determine who will be the lead agency and will be signing the letter of intent. Oya has given us a nice template to work from. What we want to do now is to vividly describe the "end" in mind, what needs to be done to get there, prioritize the steps to get there and break out the pieces we can "realistically" include in this grant with the limited funding.
We all have an idea of what it is we want to do, so we need to put all those ideas on the table now and let them take "form." I will put my ideas down on paper incorporating what Oya has sent and then all parties need to do the same. Once we have clearly defined the "end," we can use Oya's template or framework to begin assigning the work that needs to be done to develop this grant.
Stay tuned--have all your notes ready ;-)
Hi Guy's:
Voice mail from Sherry Kuchon on Friday afternoon, October 23, 2004 regarding a conversation with Tammy Evans (Oakland Schools Director of Technology) in referrence to a "Fiber Optic" connection to the observatory. Hummm! Now that sounds like a nice addition to our NSF Grant 2004 Intitative. More to Come! *Sol / Information at the "Speed of Light."
You have encapsulated the vision overview. We have many additional components to add to the diversity of the offering with technology playing a seamless and transparent element of same. I will attempt to develop the additional descriptive elements (executive summary and narrative drafts) and components (partners, content components, leveraged opportunities, etc. and forward same to you ASAP.
From: oya [mailto:odemirli@sustaincom.org] Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 2004 12:48 PMTo: James RossSubject: Re: Need email address please ASAP!!
Thanks Jim.
I am working on the ISC component only which I will forward you later in the day. It will be tied directly to the NSF grant requirements. I see the Observatory (the Education Center) as the core infrastructure with a plug in architecture whereby ISC and others will plug in their components and work seamlessly.
Hi Oya:
Here is the NSF Informal Science Education Grant web-site
http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2004/nsf04579/nsf04579.htm of which we have been discussing with Oakland Schools (and several other leveraged partners) over the past couple of years. The observatory would function as the informal science educational site-specific. Please review the grant materials and let me know what your initial thoughts might be. Then we can begin to "peel the onion" back and determine the necessary ingredients which must be produced to facilitate a robust and successful proposal. We work on the principal of "begin with the end in mind."
As you know I have already created an overview schematic of the initiative to include the partners, constructs, executables, etc. but I would like to hear about your initial insights, questions/concerns, etc. that may add additional value to our efforts.
I will be looking forward to hearing your thoughts, concepts, ideas, etc. I will also be sending you an invitation to the NSF Grant 2004 blog-site so that you may become aware of the previous efforts on behalf of this grant initiative to date.
Hope all finds you well.
-----Original Message-----
From: oya [
Sent: Friday, October 15, 2004 7:06 PM
To: James Ross
Subject: Need email address please ASAP!!
Importance: High
Now for business.... Can you get me the grant writer's (Sherri's ??) email address ASAP. I need her to forward me detailed information regarding the the proposed grant, application specifics and a sample document to serve as a contextual reference.
I cleared my calendar for next week and would like to provide you with content ASAP since the application deadline is just around the corner.